Founding of the HealthTech working group
With the HealthTech working group, the VDMA aims to promote the development of technologies in the healthcare sector. MicuraPharm Managing Director Edgar Mähringer-Kunz is involved as Chairman.

From smartwatches with fall detection to robots that provide support in the surgery room - technology solutions in the healthcare sector can be decisive guiding factors
for the future and safe care of patients. The VDMA (Association for German Mechanical and Plant Engineering) has also recognized this innovation potential and founded a new HealthTech working group.
"The establishment of the working group is a particular concern of mine, which has now been implemented by the VDMA.
There is a great deal of potential in the synergies between medical technology, mechanical engineering and biotechnology that still needs to be tapped," summarizes Edgar Mähringer-Kunz,
Chairman of the working group and MicuraPharm Managing Director, summarizes.
It is crucial that innovations for the healthcare sector are not developed without the market in mind.
The high costs incurred by companies during development up to market launch must be targeted and customer-oriented.
The requirements of end consumers and regulatory requirements must be taken into account equally, but the latter must not be an insurmountable hurdle for companies.
"We very much hope that by bundling the commitment of the entire industry in the VDMA, the acceptance of automation solutions
in politics, society and the healthcare sector," says Edgar-Mähringer-Kunz.
The members' meeting and foundation of the VDMA AG HealthTech at the end of April in Frankfurt was accompanied by a dialog,
in which, among others, the Hessian Hospital Federation and the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics took part.
Potential of Digital Technologies
Especially trainee nurses rate the future development opportunities positively
58,7 %
58,7 %
confirm more time for patients
see an improved patient safety
61,9 %
61,9 %
perceive potential to reduce the workload in everyday working life
In view of the fact that the shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare sector could reach critical levels by 2035, the working group would like to win over many multipliers for its project. According to a study by PwC Germany, 1.8 million vacancies in the healthcare sector will probably no longer be covered by 2035. This corresponds to a shortage of 35 percent. By comparison, the proportion of open vacancies is currently just under 7 percent. Among other things, the respondents see the use of digital technologies as an opportunity to both relieve the burden on professionals in their day-to-day work and to strengthen the autonomy of patients.
"The technical solutions that would help to cushion the shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare system and maintain the high quality of care are available," says Niklas Kuczaty, Managing Director of the VDMA HealthTech Working Group. "We must now enter into a close dialog with politicians, industry and healthcare facilities in order to create the technical, regulatory and financial framework conditions for the productive use of these solutions."